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10 Steps to Better Ear Health

Hearing is essential to your livelihood, therefore taking care of your ear health is very important. Don’t wait until a serious problem occurs. The best way to prevent hearing loss is to take steps every day to protect your ears. Here are 10 ways you can protect your ears and hearing:

1) Don’t use cotton swabs.

Most people love cleaning out their ears with cotton swabs. However this technique is not advisable. You should never insert small objects into your ear that could damage the ear canal or eardrum. A little bit of wax in your ears is no problem at all and is actually important for keeping dust and other particles out of your ears. If you have excessive wax, clean around the canal with a damp towel.

2) Go to a professional to have excessive ear wax removed.

There are many solutions for removing ear wax, but we always suggest consulting a professional so that you don’t damage your ears.

3) Use earplugs around loud noises.

Use precaution when operating loud machinery, shooting guns, going to loud events or concerts, or any activity that produces loud noises that could be damaging to your ears. In one of our recent blogs, we outline which sounds to avoid to protect your hearing.

4) Dry your ears after swimming or showering.

Water in your ears can cause bacteria to enter and damage the ear canal. Ear infections or Swimmer’s Ear can be damaging to your hearing. To avoid this, towel-dry your ears gently after swimming or bathing. If you have water stuck in your ear, tilt your head to the side and lightly pull your earlobe to drain water out.

5) Turn down the volume.

If you think it is too loud, it probably is. Turn down the volume on your stereo, tv, and headphones.

6) Quit smoking.

7) Stay active.

Exercise gets blood pumping to all parts of your body, including your ears. This will keep your ears healthy and working to their maximum potential.

8) Take medications only as directed.

Certain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, can contribute to hearing loss if taken in large quantities or over an extended amount of time. Always discuss medications and dosage with your doctor.

9) Give your ears time to recover after being exposed to loud noises.

Your ears need rest like the rest of your body. Researchers have found that your ears need an average of 16 hours of quiet to recover from one loud night out.

10) Get your ears and hearing checked regularly and go see a doctor immediately if you experience ear pain or sudden hearing loss.

Don’t take a chance. If you are experiencing anything unusual about your ears or hearing, contact us immediately. Most hearing loss develops gradually, for that reason we also recommend annual hearing appointments with a hearing professional. You can stop hearing loss before it gets worse!

Always remember your hearing is very important and we are here to help and answer any questions you may have!

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